Thailand Private Investigators, Pattaya Private Detective
Thailand Private Investigators provides professional investigation services and Thai Girlfriend Background Check. The main coverage areas of investigation are Bangkok and Pattaya. Thailand Private Investigator services in other provinces are also available. The information we provide to our clients is facts and hard evidence. Our Thailand private investigators team includes Thai nationals and foreign Expatriates. As a result, all investigators understand the culture and territory. Siam Spy’s team of experts offers private investigation services covering all areas of Thailand. Furthermore, services in other regions of Southeast Asia are available. Pattaya Private Investigators, Thailand Private Detective.
Investigations outside of the normal coverage areas are subject to extra expenses. So, the client must cover travel and hotel expenses. Expenses are not included in the fee unless stated otherwise. Private investigations in Thailand can be difficult at times. We do our best to provide quality Thailand Private Investigators service. Investigators understand the impact an investigation can have, so we guarantee complete confidentiality. So, clients can count on complete privacy. Siam Spy works from a subjective position. Hence, the investigator assumes all is good until proven otherwise.
Thailand Private Investigators – Thai Girlfriend Background Check
Siam Spy specializes in providing you with a Thai Girlfriend Background Check. Cheating Western husbands on holiday, business, or “Pleasure” trips in Thailand. Thai Bar Girls with Western boyfriends and husbands living abroad. Many cases involve foreign men who have girlfriends here in Thailand. So, if you suspect something is wrong and that someone you love may be cheating on you, we can find out the truth! We are experts in our field. We use all the latest miniature high-tech equipment available. Therefore, we provide you with concrete evidence and facts!
Siam Spy – Thailand private investigator.
Thailand Private Investigators – We Investigate:
- Foreign men (Westerners) cheating on their wives or girlfriends.
- Thai girlfriends living in Thailand and cheating on their Western boyfriends.
- Thai Girlfriend Background Check
- Business and corporate background checks.
- Security services including personal bodyguard and protection services.
- Missing persons in Thailand.
- DNA Screening.
- Insurance Fraud.
Thailand Private Investigators – Cases Refused:
- Obtaining phone records or pre-paid phone records.
- Obtaining passwords, or bank account information.
- Political interests.
- Intellectual Property cases.
- Blackmail. – Not acceptable.
- Bugging devices inside a personal house or business.
- Phone tapping or phone bugging.
- Organized crime, or other criminal-related activities.
Ethics and Standards – Thai Girlfriend Background Check
Professional Thailand Private Investigators will screen all inquiries thoroughly. Many times we will refuse a case if we suspect the client intends to do harm to a subject. Siam Spy does not take part in revenge. This includes the investigated party or others they may know. Siam Spy will not accept any case that involves criminal activity. Criminal cases are a job for the local police, not a Thailand Private Detective. We will not accept any case involving political interests. Government officials, law officials, or public figures such as celebrities are also off-limits. An experienced Thailand Private Investigator is careful to choose cases meant to find the facts. So, if you are out to harm someone, we won’t help you. We will not assist you in any way in finding any kind of information that may harm another individual. If you are out for revenge on someone, don’t ask us to help you.
Thailand Private Investigators
There are many reasons one might consider hiring a Thailand Private Detective. We are usually able to help in almost any circumstance as long as it doesn’t involve any criminal activity. But, if you are having problems with your Thai lady, we can help. If you think something may be going on that isn’t okay with you, please feel free to contact us. Let Siam Spy help you discover the truth. So, you can decide what you want to do based on the facts. If you are a woman from a Western country and you are aware of what goes on in Thailand, we can help you.
There are many go-go bars and nightlife establishments here in Thailand. If you worry that your husband, boyfriend, or fiancée may be having an affair with Thai Bar Girls, we can help. If you think your husband is having an affair with a Thai bar girl or prostitute, please contact us. We will investigate the matter for you and give you the facts. The truth is out there!
If you have any legitimate concerns, hire Thailand Private Investigators to assist you. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Send your Thailand private investigation inquiry and we will do our very best to help you. We will work with you to resolve the problem. We will conduct a professional investigation designed to help you know the truth. The results of the investigation will be facts and evidence. A thorough Thai Girlfriend Background Check is always a good idea.
Thai Girlfriend Problems? 
Have problems with your Thai lady? There a many different reasons why you might be having problems. Cultural misunderstandings, lack of trust, lack of freedom, and jealousy are a few. We’re hired often to investigate Thai Bar Girls with foreigners as boyfriends or husbands.
Many times, the guy has met a girl in a bar. She swears up and down she doesn’t want to work there but has no choice because she has to take care of the family. and a lot of the time this is true, well most of it is anyway. But, there are also a lot of Thai Bar Girls who work as prostitutes in go-go bars which is very bad news. Many are drug-addicted scammers whose main goal is to find Western men to supply them with spending money. Many men support her drug habit without knowing it. Most men end up buying her the latest mobile phone, designer clothes, car, or motorbike.
These Thai Bar Girls are the ones you have to be on the lookout for. There are thousands of them operating out of Thailand’s notorious go-go bar scene. If you met a girl in Thailand who was working in a bar, she may very well still be working there. She is telling you she quit to keep you quiet and to keep the cash flow coming. It is possible she did quit. But, unless you have her checked out you can’t know for sure. Many of these girls have more than one man on the hook at one time. We usually find that they have several. Most of the guys are unaware of the fact that they are being played. The reason is that Thai Bar Girls are masters of manipulation and guilt.
Thai Bar Girl Scams – Thai Girlfriend Background Check
They have a story for every problem that may arise. Stories include water getting on the phone, sleeping, I was in the shower, I was at Mama’s house way out in the boonies. Or, upcountry there is no phone signal, buffalo broke a leg, you name it, the excuse is there. The fact is that many times they are telling the truth, but too often we find their story isn’t the truth at all. The reason she can’t pick up the phone is that you will hear the background music in the disco she is in. Not all Thai women are like this though and in fact, there are many very good girls who are working in bars. But, they haven’t been there long enough to become the hardcore bar girl yet.
Does this mean all Thai Bar Girls are dirty rotten scammers? Of course not, and in fact, some of the girls who work in bars are very good girls. Many of them don’t have much of a choice. They join the bar scene for a short period of time to make some money to help take care of their family. The problem arises when they spend too much time in the bar, then you have a problem. You aren’t going to find the girl of your dreams working in a go go bar. But, there have been many success stories of guys who have met girls in bars living happy lives. We don’t often hear of that these days. Times have changed and so has the attitude of many Thai Bar Girls.
Thai Girlfriend Investigation – Thai Girlfriend Background Check
So, what can you do? First of all, don’t go looking for a sweet and innocent Thai lady in a go-go bar because chances are you aren’t going to find her. If you’re fascinated with Thai women and want to meet a good Thai lady, try going to regular bars or clubs. But, avoid Thai Bar Girls. Go where normal Thai people go. But remember, you will be much better off if you have a Thai friend who can go with you and act as your liaison. Especially if you want to meet good Thai ladies, of which there are many! So, don’t ogle and act like a sex tourist because you will get nowhere. Pubs are a good place to start as there are many Thai women fascinated with foreign men.
Bangkok girlfriend investigation.
So, how do you know if you have met a good Thai lady?
Positive signs from your Thai girlfriend:
- Calls you often and is home when you call or picks up her mobile phone when you call.
- Met in a pub popular with Thai people, a restaurant, a shopping mall, a city park, a fitness center, business contacts, etc.
- Doesn’t constantly hammer you for cash.
- Comes from a good Thai family
- Has a regular job and is college-educated.
- Didn’t meet her in a go-go bar, beer bar, or disco.
Thai Girlfriend Problems:
- Met in a go-go bar, disco (Lucifer, CM2, Marine, Spice, Boss) outdoor beer bar, or Soi 7 beer garden.
- Doesn’t answer the phone or her mobile when you call.
- Hides her mobile from you when you are there.
- Moves to another room when someone calls.
- Asks you for money for various reasons. Father needs an operation, Sister needs school money, phone broke, buffalo broke leg, etc.
- Hearing other men’s voices in the background when you call her mobile.
- Hearing loud disco music in the background when you call her at 2:00 AM Thai time.
- Wanting to know your exact arrival date to Thailand weeks or months before you arrive (could conflict with another guy’s arrival).
- No regular job.
- Disappears for days on end and then says she was at Mama’s house.
- Anything dealing with criminal activity, drug use, etc.
Thailand Private Investigators Service:
- Has your Thai lady/girlfriend ever worked in a bar, go-go bar, or beer garden?
- Is she still working in a bar, go-go bar, or other nightlife establishments in Thailand?
- Was your Thai lady/girlfriend working in a bar, go-go bar, or massage parlor when you met her?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend seem unavailable on the phone often?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend try to hide her mobile phone from you?
- Thai lady/girlfriend seem to always have conflicting stories.
- Do her stories that change all the time and seem unreasonable?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend have lots of nice designer clothes, a new fancy mobile phone, and lots of gold?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend have more than one E-mail address or many user ID’s on Thai dating sites?
Thailand Private Investigator:
There are many reasons you might consider hiring a Thailand Private Detective. The above-mentioned reasons are just a few of the warning signs. But, at times these things do happen (leaving the phone at home, dead battery, the phone getting rained on). But these things are only likely to happen once.
If you suspect your Thai girlfriend is up to no good and you want to get revenge on her and ask us for help, you won’t get it. But, if you are having problems with your Thai lady, we can help. So, if you’re concerned something may be going on, contact us. When she isn’t being honest or cooperative, please feel free to contact us. Let us help you discover the truth of the matter with facts and evidence. Then you can decide what you want to do.
Is your husband in Thailand? Doing What? 
In recent years Siam Spy received many cases involving Western women. They suspect their husbands are in Thailand with Thai Bar Girls and prostitutes. Not only is it going against your wedding vows, but it is also a very dangerous activity. This careless behavior could have serious health risks. STDs are a serious problem in Thailand. This can be a risk to the wife as well as the husband.
If you are a woman from a Western country and you are aware of what goes on in Thailand, contact us. We can help you. There are many go-go bars and nightlife establishments here with lots of Thailand Freelance Prostitutes. If you worry your husband, boyfriend, or fiancée may be having an affair with a Thai woman, contact us. Many men come to Thailand for Thai Bar Girls or prostitutes. That is their only reason for coming here. We see it every day and it is staggering how many married men we see with bar girls and Thailand Freelance Prostitutes. Many men don’t even have the presence of mind to remove their wedding ring. If you suspect your husband may be cheating on you in Thailand, contact us. Siam Spy will get the facts and evidence for you. The truth is out there!
If you have a legitimate concern and need to hire an Investigator to assist you, please feel free to contact us. Thailand Private Investigators (Siam Spy) will do our very best to help you. We will conduct a fact-based investigation designed to help you know the truth. The investigation will reveal facts and hard evidence.
Cheating Husband in Thailand?
Is your husband cheating on you in Thailand? Recently we have had an increase in cases involving cheating husbands. Western women are reporting strange behavior from their husbands after coming to Thailand. We know why most men come here. For all the wrong reasons. They come for the bar scene here and cheap sex. So, there are many Thai Bar Girls in the go-go bars of Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Pattaya. Your husband is coming here for them. There is an ever-increasing amount of awareness of the problem.
We have received more requests for this type of investigation in the past few years. More than we have ever had before in the past. So, how do you know if your husband is having an affair with a Thai woman who in reality may be a Thailand Freelance Prostitute? There are many signs but the most obvious would be frequent trips to Thailand. Other indicators could be money transfers to Thailand. Long-distance phone calls and text messages coming from Thailand. Many women contact us saying their husbands recently got a prescription for Viagra. And, he is coming to Thailand. We’ve also had inquiries like this on several occasions. Over the last three years, this has increased. Word must be spreading of this activity in Western nations.
Cheating Husband in Thailand?
Is your husband on a business or “pleasure” trip to Thailand? There is a very high probability he is now or has been with Thai Bar Girls here. There are many husbands cheating in Thailand on a daily basis. Many cheating husbands we investigate don’t even remove their wedding rings. The next time your husband goes on a business or pleasure trip to Thailand contact us. If he is here now, let us know and we will tell you exactly where he goes while he’s here. If we see anything out of order, we will get you evidence.
Chances are he will follow suit and go to one of the many sex clubs or go to bars here and leave with a girl on his arm! It is a very common thing here in Thailand. We see married men in clubs, discos, go-go bars, and other sex-related venues every day. Most men would never expect they would be under investigation while here in Thailand. So, if your husband is having an extramarital affair in Thailand, it is very likely we will be able to catch him. We will provide you with facts and photographic or video evidence. We have a 97% success rate in cases like this.
Thai Bar Girl & Foreign Man
Are all husbands who come to Thailand cheating with Thai bar girls and prostitutes? Of course not, but the fact remains it happens all too often and we see it every day. When we are out on assignment in clubs, discos, go-go bars we always see married men. How do we know they’re married? They are wearing wedding rings. The problem is real and it does exist. Some women think “My husband is middle age, bald, overweight. No sweet young Thai girl would have any interest in him whatsoever.
You couldn’t be any further from the truth. In fact, this is exactly what many of the Thai bar girls/prostitutes are looking for. Because these types of men are easy marks. Many men come to Thailand, go into a go-go bar, or strip club, and get blown away by all the pretty young Thai girls they see. These girls are on the hunt for customers to pay them for sex. If all goes according to plan, they get the man to pay for land, houses, and designer clothes. The newest most expensive mobile phone, apartment rent, university, and so on. The list is endless.
Most foreign men have no experience in Thailand. They do not understand the bar scene and what it is. They don’t understand that the vast majority of the girls who work in these bars are out to get as much as they can. These unsuspecting men get so sucked into it that they will send large sums of cash. Many men end up losing everything. So how do you know if your husband is having an affair in Thailand with a bar girl or not? Here are some general tips.
Positive signs from your husband:
- Calls you often and is in his hotel when you call late at night Thai time.
- Has a legitimate reason for being in Thailand.
- Doesn’t seem distant or vague when you talk to him.
- Not hiding his mobile phone, or overprotective of his laptop upon his return home.
- Doesn’t increase his frequency of trips to Thailand.
Problematic signs from your husband:
- Doesn’t answer his mobile when you call or isn’t in his hotel room late at night Thai time.
- Has credit card receipts on his monthly statements from bars or discos.
- Seems distant or has a change in attitude upon his return home.
- Transfers money to Thailand via Western Union or TT transfers to a Thai bank account.
- Loud disco music in the background when you call late at night Thai time.
- Talks secretly on his mobile phone upon his return home.
- Doesn’t have a regular job.
- Text messages on his mobile from a Thai number that say, Miss you too much, Love you, Miss You.
Thailand Private Investigators
If your husband is on a trip to Thailand and you suspect he may have a Thai girlfriend, contact us. While in Bangkok he may be frequenting sex clubs or other establishments. You may want to hire a Thailand Private Investigator to help you get the facts. We can determine if, in fact, he is having an extramarital affair here in Thailand with a Thai bar girl or other Thai women.
If you notice behavioral changes after your husband has been to Thailand, there may be a good reason for it. It is quite possible he has met and fallen for one of these bar girls. She has likely “put a spell on him” (so to speak) that has caused him to abandon logic and reason. This happens all the time here and we see it every day. A professional Thailand Private Investigator can help.
Missing Persons
Siam Spy often receives requests for locating missing persons in Thailand. Unfortunately, people do go missing in Thailand on a regular basis. More often than not, they have neglected to stay in touch because they are having too much of a good time. So, they are unaware that loved ones back home are worried about them. They will almost always turn up somewhere unharmed.
But, this is not always the case and sometimes people vanish in Thailand without a trace. They go completely off the map. This happens when an unsuspecting foreign man on his first trip to Thailand gets caught up in the bar scene. He ends up overwhelmed with the promise of a fantasy lifestyle here in Thailand. Living with a pretty little thing he met in a bar. It is a very common scenario and one we get asked to look into often. The scenario is always the same. A man on a holiday or business trip to Thailand is available in the first few days or weeks. But then for some reason, seems to go off the map without a trace. When this happens the usual suspects can be sought out, a conniving bar girl.
A common scenario – Thailand Private Investigators
A Thai bar girl has led the guy astray with promises of a new life in Thailand. A life that is free of the stress and strain associated with Western countries. The problem for the man is that these women are so intense with their game. “I love you too much”, “I want marry with you” is an approach that many guys get swallowed up by. They fall right into the trap. The next thing you know they are paying for apartments, motorbikes, and sometimes cars. Often times they buy land for the woman’s family.
It happens all the time here. This is usually when men turn up missing for extended periods of time. They stop calling home, no E-mail, no nothing. One day they were there and everything was fine. The next day they seem to have vanished without a trace. It is this type of scenario that is described in most missing-person cases. The husband goes missing by falling prey to exactly this kind of trap. The Thai bar girl or prostitute with the sad sob story. The old story of poverty and destitution. It is a costly deception that usually ends up as a nightmare.
Missing persons in Thailand due to severe illness
One common reason people turn up missing in Thailand is falling victim to a sudden illness. Or, being in an out-of-the-way place like rural areas of Thailand when they get sick. Thailand is a tropical region. Illnesses like Dengue, Malaria, and Typhoid are common here. They can strike anyone at any time. If someone you know goes missing in Thailand, there is a good possibility they have become very ill. They could be in a very rural area of Thailand and can’t make it to an Internet cafe to send an E-mail. They may even be too ill to make a phone call or send a text message.
Missing persons in Thailand due to alcoholism or mental duress
Another reason that can be attributed to missing persons in Thailand is alcoholism. Mental instability is also a possibility. Sometimes foreign men who get depressed go missing in Thailand. They often go on extended binges of drinking and at times will also resort to drug use. They end up spending all their money on booze and prostitutes to try and drown their sorrows. But end up making things far worse and in some cases will even take their own lives.
We’ve seen this happen many times before in Thailand. Local newspapers report stories like this every day, especially in Pattaya. This kind of thing seems to happen more in Pattaya than anywhere else in Thailand. If someone you know got depressed and were on their way to Thailand, this is what might have happened to them. But of course, you won’t know until you have an investigation done to determine the facts
Thai Bar Girl Scam – Thailand Private Investigators
Oh mate… are you kidding me? She is on the game! Guaranteed! Have you ever heard anyone say this? What exactly does that mean, “On the game?” Well, in short, it means that the girl in question is a complete player and you are only a target of her game. A game devised to bilk you out of as much money as she can get before you finally catch on and break it off with her. Of course, you aren’t the only one and many of these girls are working over several men at the same time. It has almost become a kind of sport in the bar scene in Thailand. There are more than enough unsuspecting men traveling to Thailand who are unaware of it. Many fall victim to the game. A costly game it is.
Are all Thai Girlfriends bad news?
Does this mean all Thai ladies who work in bars are dirty rotten scammers? Of course not, In fact, some of the girls who work in bars are also very good girls. For some, they don’t have much of a choice and join up on the bar scene for a short period of time. Usually to make some money to help take care of the family. The problem arises when they spend too much time in the bar. Then greed and the influence of hardened bar girls take them over. Then you have a problem.
Of course, in most cases, you aren’t going to find the girl of your dreams working in a go-go bar. But there have been many success stories of guys who have met girls in bars and ended up getting married. They have families and live happy lives. We don’t often hear of that these days as we had in the past.
Times have changed and so has the attitude of many Thai girls who work in bars. Thai society has become very materialistic in recent years. It seems for many Thai girls finding a foreign man to foot the bill is the way. The number one source of easy money is a foreign man. One who knows nothing about Thailand.
Thai Girlfriend Investigation
So, what can you do? First of all, do a Thai Girlfriend Investigation, And don’t go looking for a sweet and innocent Thai lady in a go-go bar because chances are you aren’t going to find her. If you are fascinated with Thai women and want to meet a good Thai lady, try going to regular bars or clubs where normal Thais go, only remember, you will be much better off if you have a Thai friend who can go with you and act as your liaison between other Thai people, and especially good Thai ladies, of which there are many! But, don’t ogle and act like a sex tourist because you will get nowhere. Pubs are a good place to start as there are many Thai women who are fascinated with foreign men and they might go to a good pub to mingle with Westerners.
Thai Girlfriend Danger Signs:
- Met in a go-go bar, disco (Lucifer, CM2, Marine, Spice, Boss) outdoor beer bar, or Soi 7 beer garden.
- Starts mentioning “problems she has” within the first few hours or days of meeting her.
- Has a lot of nice clothes, jewelry, gold, expensive top-of-the-line phone, but has no regular job.
- Is out in a disco at 4:00 AM on a weeknight.
- Asks you for money if you have sex.
- Works in a beer bar, go-go bar, strip club, or hang out in the wee hours of the morning at discos.
- Doesn’t have a regular job.
- A heavy drinker, high on drugs.
There are many reasons why you might consider hiring Thailand Private Investigators to investigate your Thai lady/girlfriend and we are usually able to help in almost any circumstance as long as it doesn’t involve any criminal activity or is meant to harm another person in a physical manner. If you suspect your Thai girlfriend is up to no good and you want to get revenge on her and ask us for help, you won’t get it. However, if you are having problems with your Thai lady that concern you and you think something may be going on that isn’t okay with you, and she isn’t forthcoming or cooperative, please feel free to contact us and let us help you discover the truth of the matter so you can decide what you want to do.
Thailand Business Background Check – Thailand Private Investigators
Are you considering doing business with a Thai company? Thinking about buying a large number of Thai products for export to your own country? Are you looking to purchase land or other real estate here in Thailand? Not so fast! Hire Thailand Private Investigators first. There are a lot of scams and rip-offs that can cost you your life savings and leave you with nothing. Many people around the world fall prey to Internet scams involving hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars.
Some involve bogus land deals while others are fake companies set up to look like legitimate Internet businesses here in Thailand and in fact are little more than fronts for some serious con artists that can rip you off for a lot of money. Before you go and send off hundreds or even thousands of dollars to a company in Thailand, be sure to verify the company first. Thailand Private Investigators can save you from making some potentially huge financial mistakes. You wouldn’t want to end up a victim of a Thailand scam.
Siam Spy works from a subjective position assuming all is good until the facts prove otherwise. We only provide the facts and the truth as we discover it. Siam Spy is an independent third party with no stake in the results. This makes it possible for us to deliver a fact-based report. An unbiased conclusion based on what the investigation has revealed. The result is a clear picture of the situation for the client while finding the truth.
Get peace of mind
Hey, we get it. Peace of mind is the bottom line, while privacy is a top priority. It is the reason people contact us; they want to know the truth. There is nothing worse than not knowing the truth. Dark secrets hiding in the shadows isn’t fun for anyone. While it eats away at your peace of mind, it causes endless stress and worries. So, we understand your dilemma. When we take a case, we know what the end game is. It is to give the client peace of mind while resolving the situation with the truth.
Please use this form to contact us now!
Prices and fees
While the quoted price generally includes all costs, some complicated cases may require extra expenses. These additional expenses are minimal but necessary for out-of-town investigations. For example, hotel and fuel costs. If any other charges are required, then the client will be told beforehand. But, in general, the quoted rate includes all costs and fees. In other words, there are no hidden costs.
Your Private Thailand Investigator
Think of us as your personal Thailand Private Investigator. Contact us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are always open to serving you. So, we look forward to hearing from you. Our record of successful results sets us apart from any other Thailand Private Investigator agency. We also take pride in producing the results for which you are paying. We reveal the truth, AND we get the proof! All the while, your privacy is assured. For more information about Siam Spy and our services, read our FAQ page. Or check out our blog for Thailand private investigator stories.