Thailand private investigator stories – Case files – Results
In this post, I’m going to discuss the typical infidelity cases we handle. Many Thailand Private Investigator stories are infidelity cases involving Thai bar girls and foreign men (westerner). We get a lot of situations like this. It is quite clear that most foreign men do not understand the Thai way of thinking. Nor do they know anything about the culture. This ignorance of the Thai way is 90% of the problem.
Privacy and discretion are paramount, of course. It is the first thing a prospective client asks us when they make their initial inquiry. Is my information confidential and private? The answer is always yes! We understand that clients want a discrete Thailand Private Investigator working on their case. So, we never disclose any client information to a 3rd party like selling email addresses or other personal information, for instance. We guarantee your privacy. So, you rest assured that your privacy is safe with us.
Thailand private detective – Case results
There are three different kinds of results in my book. A good result, an unfortunate result, and an “I didn’t have enough time” result. That usually happens when a case period ends, and the client doesn’t want to continue. It could be due to financial reasons. Given the required time, I can always solve a case.
We have handled hundreds and hundreds of cases since 2001. Clients ask what percentage of cases get solved. The answer is 98%. That other 2% that don’t get solved is due to the fact we didn’t have the required time needed to solve the case. Again, this is usually because the client has financial concerns. But, given the time necessary, I always resolve every situation: one way or the other. Most cases take 1-2 weeks in general. Some cases take much longer. It depends on the circumstances at the time the investigation starts.
The most extended case I worked on personally, lasted 3 1/2 months. I was able to get the required evidence on the 4th day of the last week. On that day, another man showed up at the house my client had bought for his Thai girlfriend. It turned out this other man (German) was also a financial contributor to purchasing the home. Neither man knew about the other. In the end, evidence exposed her as a two-timer, and that was the end of the game. The client had the money and the time to get the result. He said he just knew something was wrong. He was correct.
Thailand private investigator stories – Thai girlfriend investigation
Thailand Private Investigator stories vary here and there, but there is a common thread in most infidelity cases. That thread is the general misunderstanding of Thai culture and the Thai way. It is why so many foreign men have so many problems with their Thai girlfriends. They don’t understand what they are doing. So, it makes for some difficult situations. Here is a common scenario of a typical start to one of these relationships.
A guy from Sweden just landed in Bangkok. It’s hot as hell, and he needs something cold to drink. Hmm, a cold beer might be helpful. The first thing you notice walking along the streets of Thailand is all the bars. They are full of hot young Thai girls too. So, he pulls up a chair at one of the bars and instantly becomes a celebrity. Then, one of the bar girls comes over and joins him. She has soft skin, dark eyes, long jet-black hair, hot little body. He gets sucked in, and now the ride starts. He has fallen instantly in love.
She’s a young, fun, and beautiful girl, who reluctantly came to town from a farming village in Thailand’s rural northeastern region. She’s just as blown on him as he is on her. She is with him just as much as he is with her. They both fall instantly in love. But, she works at a go-go bar. Now, of course, she has only been there for two months. She doesn’t want to be there but has no choice. Her papa needs an operation, for instance. The family buffalo broke a leg and can’t plow the fields. So, he wants to help out. Most Thailand Private Investigator Stories have a similar theme.
Discrete Thailand private investigator stories – Privacy, Discretion
In describing the cases below, I will use fake names, of course. Privacy is so important for most clients. So, we never disclose any of their confidential information for any reason. The case information is as it occurred.
Most Thailand Private Investigator stories fall into four general categories. Thai bar girls, Thai Freelance prostitutes, Internet dating, and mainstream Thai women (the least problematic). The most common cases we get involve foreign men and Thai bar girls. The second is foreign men who met Thai women on Internet dating sites — followed by Thai freelance prostitutes. The last is foreign men involved with mainstream Thai women. Those with real jobs and college education, for instance. These are the least problematic, but we often find they have a Thai husband or boyfriend. The foreign man doesn’t know about it but suspects it. So, they called us to ask us for a Thailand Private Investigator who could help them.
Thailand private investigator stories – Is your Thai girlfriend working in the bar?
A vast majority of Thailand Private Investigator stories fall under this category. A man from Switzerland contacted me to investigate his Thai girlfriend. They met in a go-go bar where she worked in Patong, Phuket. He told me that she had agreed to stop having paid sex with customers in exchange for him taking care of her and her family. He was giving her an allowance of 40,000 baht per month in addition to buying a new Toyota pickup for the family. Her family was poor farmers living in a small house located in Buri Ram.
He also said that he was about to buy a modest new house for her parents. The new home was close to where they lived currently. He became suspicious as she was making excuses for why she couldn’t contact him for three consecutive days. She explained that her father was sick, and she went to visit him. He suspected that she was going with customers for paid sex, which was against their agreement.
I told him I would go to the bar and act as a customer. My goal was only observation and record her activities in the bar. In general, this is what I do in cases that involve Thai bar girls. I go to their workplace and watch what they do. I observe interactions with customers and look for any foul play. In the first three nights, she never did anything out of order.
Thai bar girls – Thailand Private Investigator stories
I know that if a girl is working in a sex-related industry, sex is going to occur at some point. For instance, if you work at a sex massage place, you’ll be doing sexual favors for customers. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be working there. However, this agreement of receiving money for halting sexual contact with customers is a common thing. Many of the girls have stopped having paid sex with customers. I’ve investigated many cases like this and never saw the girl go with a customer. It does happen.
The next night she approached me in the bar. She showed interest in me, so I started buying her drinks. I questioned her about any relationships she had. She replied that she had a boyfriend. He was a good man, but much older than her. She described him as boring. After several more drinks, she said those magic words. I go with you. Here in Thailand, everyone knows what that means. I want to go to your hotel. We will have sex, and you will pay me.
I said okay, paid the bar fine, and we left. On the way to my hotel, I saw her boyfriend was calling her. She did not accept the call. Instead, she turned the phone off and put it in her bag. The next step would be having sex for money. At this point, the evidence would be enough. But what I got was far more than expected.
Thailand private investigator stories – Do what is needed
Many Thailand private investigator stories are full of exciting stuff. But having sex with prostitutes is something I never do. So, I have a way out that works every time. I wait until the girl gets in the shower, and then I take photos of her bag or other identifiable items. Then when she comes out of the shower, I’ll snap a smartphone picture. They usually won’t react negatively. When the time comes for sex, I say I’m married, and this was a big mistake. I apologize for any inconvenience. I then paid 1000 baht more than they asked for sex. It works very well. Then I offered to take them to dinner somewhere nice. That creates more opportunities to collect evidence. For instance, going to a restaurant, for dinner and asking the staff to take our photo. Later I process the pictures and blur out my image.
Collecting evidence – Thailand Private Investigator stories
I thought I might already have enough evidence. But, she was about to deliver more. When I asked her if she wanted to go to dinner, she invited me to her apartment instead. She said she was lonely and asked me if I wanted to stay in her apartment. The client never mentioned this apartment. Because he didn’t know about it. The apartment was about two kilometers from the bar, her workplace. We went back to the bar first, where she parked her motorbike. She then rode me back to her apartment.
The apartment was very lovely — a one-bedroom condo with a good view of Patong beach. We talked for a while; then, I asked her how much money she made at the bar. To my surprise, she took out a datebook and opened it. It was a calendar with a log of customers she had sex with in the past. The record showed what country they were from and how much they paid. It read,
March 21st, 2015
China 3000 baht
Japan, 2500 baht
Hong Kong 3000 baht
Thai bar girl salary. How much does a Thai bar girl make?
It was a logbook! With a written record of every customer she had sex with and how much they paid! It was the holy grail of Thailand Private Investigator evidence! So, on July 3rd, 2012, she had short-time sex with three different men at the bar. The logbook was full up to that date. May and June were on record as well. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. But, there it was. I waited for her to get into the shower and then took a few smartphone photos of several pages of the logbook. More than enough evidence for the client. More than I ever thought I would find.
Collecting more evidence
The best part was yet to come. Later on, we started talking about her work again. She picked up the logbook and flipped through the book to the very back. In that section was a list of men who sent her money every month. There were 7 or 8 names there and where the men lived. One of them was from Switzerland. Bingo! No doubt, that one was my client. It said
America – 30,000 baht
Hong Kong – 45,000 baht
Korea – 20,000 baht
England – 25,000 baht
Switzerland – 40,000 baht (had to be him)
In conclusion – Thailand Private Investigator stories
I forget the others, but all the evidence was there. Written down very neatly and very well organized, and this girl was making a lot of money. That was the first time I understood why girls work in bars. For the stunning ones like her, it’s a gold mine. I got all the evidence needed. And then some. Of course, it was a shock to the client. However, he was so pleased with the amount of evidence I collected. He paid me a 30,000 baht bonus.
It was an unusual case in that it is infrequent to get such evidence. However, if you know what you are doing and are good at what you do, it pays off most of the time. To end it, the client called her and told her he decided to end the long-distance relationship. That’s what I usually suggest. We put ourselves at risk sometimes, that’s why anonymity is essential. There was no loss for the girl; she had plenty of other sponsors. With her looks and body, she could replace the lost income with ease.
If you need to hire a Thailand private investigator, contact us at any time. We will do our best to help you resolve the matter. A professional Thailand private investigator will help you discover the truth.
Please use the form below to contact us.
Thailand private investigator stories – Investigate Thai girlfriend
Thailand Private Detective is a group of professional Thailand Private Investigators. We conduct investigations in all regions of Thailand. The main coverage areas are Pattaya and Bangkok. Services in other provinces of Thailand are available. We provide clients with facts and hard evidence. Photo and video evidence, for instance. Our network of professional Thailand private investigators includes Thai nationals and foreign Expatriate investigators. Both male and female Thailand Private Investigators. As a result, all investigators understand the culture and territory. Our Thailand Private Investigator services cover all areas of Thailand.
Furthermore, Pattaya Private Investigator provides services in Pattaya and Chonburi. Thailand private investigator services in other regions of Southeast Asia are available through our partner network. Pattaya Private Investigators, Thailand private investigators, and Indonesia Private Investigators.
Thailand Private Investigator prices, rates, and fees, Pattaya private investigator
The stated price usually includes all expenses. In some instances, complicated cases may require additional expenses. Costs will be discussed with the client beforehand. In general, the quoted rate is all-inclusive. Thailand private investigators can investigate your Thai girlfriend. We can investigate your cheating husband in Thailand. Business background checks and due diligence as well. Thailand Private Investigators understands the impact an investigation can have on both parties. So we guarantee complete confidentiality and discretion. Clients can count on absolute privacy.
Thailand Private Investigators work from a subjective position. Hence, the investigator assumes all is good until proven otherwise. The client receives reports and evidence based on facts. In addition, we include photographic or video evidence, whenever possible. Thailand Private Investigators is an independent third party with no stake in the results. Therefore, we can deliver a factual report with an unbiased conclusion. Most of all, the truth is discovered.
Get peace of mind
Hey, we get it. Peace of mind is the bottom line, while privacy is a top priority. It is the reason people contact us; they want to know the truth. There is nothing worse than not knowing the truth. Dark secrets hiding in the shadows isn’t fun for anyone. While it eats away at your peace of mind, it causes endless stress and worries. So, we understand your dilemma. When we take a case, we know what the end game is. It is to give the client peace of mind while resolving the situation with the truth.
Please use this form to contact us now!
Prices and fees
While the quoted price generally includes all costs, some complicated cases may require extra expenses. These additional expenses are minimal but necessary for out-of-town investigations. For example, hotel and fuel costs. If any other charges are required, then the client will be told beforehand. But, in general, the quoted rate includes all costs and fees. In other words, there are no hidden costs.
Your Private Thailand Investigator
Think of us as your personal Thailand Private Investigator. Contact us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are always open to serving you. So, we look forward to hearing from you. Our record of successful results sets us apart from any other Thailand Private Investigator agency. We also take pride in producing the results for which you are paying. We reveal the truth, AND we get the proof! All the while, your privacy is assured. For more information about Siam Spy and our services, read our FAQ page. Or check out our blog for Thailand private investigator stories.