Are you having Thai girlfriend problems? There are many different reasons why you might be having problems. Cultural misunderstandings, lack of trust, lack of freedom, and jealousy are a few.
Many times, the guy has met a girl in a bar. She swears up and down she doesn’t want to work there but has no choice because she has to take care of the family. And a lot of the time this is true, well most of it is anyway. But, there are also a lot of girls who work as prostitutes in go-go bars who are terrible news. Many are drug-addicted scammers, whose primary goal is to find Western men to supply them with spending money. Many men support her drug habit without knowing it. Most men end up buying her the latest mobile phone, designer clothes, car or motorbike.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
Thai bar girls
There are thousands of them operating out of Thailand’s notorious bar scene. If you met a girl in Thailand who was working in a bar, she may very well still be working there. She is telling you she quit to keep you quiet and to keep the cash flow coming. But, unless you have her checked out, you can’t know for sure. Many of these girls have more than one man on the hook at one time. We usually find that they have several. It is the main reason for Thai girlfriend problems. The number one reason is that these girls are masters of manipulation and guilt.
Cheating Thai Girlfriends.
Now I’ve heard everything! Maybe not.
Thai girlfriend problems aren’t always easy to resolve. That’s because they have a story for every problem that may arise. Stories including water got in the phone; I was sleeping, I was in the shower, I was at Mama’s house way out in the boonies. Or, upcountry there is no phone signal, buffalo broke a leg, you name it, the excuse is there. The fact is that many times they are telling the truth, but too often, we find their story isn’t the truth at all. The reason she can’t pick up the phone is that you will hear the background music in the disco. Not all Thai women are like this. There are many decent girls who are working in bars. But, they haven’t been there long enough to become the hardcore bar girl yet.
Does this mean all Thai ladies who work in bars are dirty rotten scammers? Of course not, and in fact, some of the girls who work in bars are decent girls. Many of them don’t have much choice. They join the bar scene for a short period to make some money to help take care of the family. The Thai girlfriend problems arise when they spend too much time in the bar; then you have a problem. You aren’t going to find the girl of your dreams working in a go-go bar. But, there have been many success stories of guys who have met girls in bars living happy lives. We don’t often hear of that these days. Times have changed, and so has the attitude of many Thai girls who work in bars.
What can you do?
So, what can you do? First of all, don’t go looking for a sweet and innocent Thai lady in a go-go bar because chances are you aren’t going to find her. If you’re fascinated with Thai women and want to meet a good Thai lady, try going to regular bars or clubs. Go where ordinary Thai people go. But remember, you will be much better off if you have a Thai friend who can go with you and act as your liaison. Especially if you want to meet good Thai ladies, of which there are many! So, don’t ogle and act like a sex tourist because you will get nowhere. Pubs are the right place to start as there are many Thai women fascinated with foreign men.
The signs
- Has your Thai lady/girlfriend ever worked in a bar, beer garden?
- Is she still working in a bar or other nightlife establishment in Thailand?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend seem unavailable on the phone often? (like late at night)
- Does your Thai girlfriend try to hide her mobile phone from you?
- Is she always giving you conflicting stories?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend have lots of gold?
- Does your Thai lady/girlfriend have more than one E-mail address or mobile phone?
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Hey, we get it. Peace of mind is the bottom line, while privacy is a top priority. It is the reason people contact us; they want to know the truth. There is nothing worse than not knowing the truth. Dark secrets hiding in the shadows isn’t fun for anyone. While it eats away at your peace of mind, it causes endless stress and worries. So, we understand your dilemma. When we take a case, we know what the end game is. It is to give the client peace of mind while resolving the situation with the truth.
Prices and fees
While the quoted price generally includes all costs, some complicated cases may require extra expenses. These additional expenses are minimal but necessary for out-of-town investigations. For example, hotel and fuel costs. If any other charges are required, then the client will be told beforehand. But, in general, the quoted rate includes all costs and fees. In other words, there are no hidden costs.
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